Welcome to Social Justice bootcamp, shitlord.  I’m your training officer, Sergeant Jacob Wright, but you can call me SJW.

Lesson 2: I know how you feel (Arbitrating Feelings)

In industries, there are lamers, makers and arbiters.  Lamers usually give orders.  Makers execute the orders, and arbiters report to lamers on whether or not the order was executed.

In many fields, makers and arbiters are the same person.  If your boss asks you to pick up your dirty socks off the floor, she can then figure out herself whether you did it or not.  However, if your factory boss asks you to increase productivity by 10%, he’s probably going to rely on other arbiters.  

In the case of dirty socks, the level of expertise required is next to none, the results are demonstrable and binary.  So you can’t weasel out of doing it if you’re the maker, and you can’t pretend it wasn’t done if you’re the lamer.

Now the 10% productivity boost is a little bit more muddy, depending on the industry.  So the lamer will turn to a couple of arbiters: Accountants, production managers and the like. and determine whether or not the numbers add up to 10%.  A bit less binary.

Our ideals are to improve people’s feelings.  It doesn’t get less binary.  And as we all know, binary is a dirty dirty word in the this army.  So our job is to position ourselves as the sole arbiters of people’s feelings.  And then work as consultants to improve them.  Results are foggy and undefinable, we get sole arbitration on whether or not the objective has been achieved.  In other words, we can keep this shit going forever.

Know this: Our ideals are the greatest ideals.  They are also the vaguest, most unattainable ideals that can ever be.  They are: Good feelings.  And we are the arbiters of them all.

We know how you feel, even better than you do.  You’re black and disagree with us? Well you’ve got internalized racism.  Uncle Tom.  You’re a woman and you’re not afraid to go into STEM?  We got that covered too: It’s called Stockholm syndrome.

Just know that you’re on the right side.  The side that knows how EVERYONE feels, and the side that can be hired to make things better, in a sort of undefined way.


Make sure you define your goals so as to avoid dealing with independent arbiters.  That’s why we’re not interested in how things are, but how things feel.

Coming back to last week’s question.  If you say women should _be_ safer, and suddenly statistics pop up revealing that they are the safest demographics, then you’re screwed.  Your goals have been revealed as invalid, and you as a fraud.  If you say women should _feel_ safer, then anything goes. Because we decide when and how these feelings have been achieved. Here’s a hint: Never gonna happen, our revenues depend on it.


I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry.  Finding a high-paying job as a lifelong consultant on self-arbitrated issues is _not_ the exercise for the week.  In fact, if you manage that, you’re already in the SJW elite.

No, this week’s exercise is a lot simpler.  Find something people find fun, like a movie, book or video game.  Go to a forum, and casually mention that you find some of the content objectionable.  Don’t go into details yet.  In fact, for this exercise it’s useless to even have consumed the product in question, because you’ll stay as vague as possible.  If people ask specific questions, evade.  Refer to lesson 1 on calling them names and not educating them.

The important thing here, is to plant the notion that you hold some sort of intimate knowledge of the subject matter, and that your perspective gives you a unique insight on how to make the thing better.  Your refusal to share details is an expression on how valuable you believe your knowledge is, and how it could be made available for a price.  Play your cards right, and down the road, you could be set for life.  FOR LIFE!

Question time!

Paul asks: How do you expect companies to hire me on a consultancy job that lasts forever and has little to no demonstrable value?

We can’t really demonstrate that our work has value.  Because really, it doesn’t.  But what if we reversed the question?  What is the value of _not_ using our work?  Maybe using us has no value, but ignoring us has infinite _negative_ value?  Coïncidentally, it relates to my next lesson:  Shaming Tactics.

Like, subscribe and share.  That’s what powers, the Social Justice Army.  Now carry on!


Welcome to Social Justice bootcamp, shitlord.  I’m your training officer, Sergeant Jacob Wright, but you can call me SJW.

Lesson 1 what’s good for the goose ain’t worth two shits for the gander

Hypocrisy is the name of the game in the SJW army.  But that’s not really how we call it.  In fact, anyone calling it hypocrisy ’ll give me 100 pushups clear?

We are constantly accused of having double standards.  Which we have.  We can’t prove that we don’t, so we had to come up with a magic trick to justify it.  We call it privilege.  You don’t need to know how it works, just say “Check your privilege” whenever you’re called on your bullshit, and you should be fine.

Oh alright I’ll let you know how it works.  A team of SJW concocted a way to sort human beings based on skin pigmentation and chromosomal arrangements and other arbitrary factors.  I know we claim we should look past these things, but stay with me.  Anyways, using data that agrees with us like generic average yearly income, and discarding data that don’t agree with us like imprisonment rates, we more or less came up with this ladder.  If you’re at the bottom of the ladder.  Great!  Free pass, you can join.  If you’re at the top of this made-up ladder, just claim to work to the benefit of the people at the bottom of the ladder, who can’t speak for themselves, and you can still join.

So, to recap, everyone on top of the ladder doesn’t have any right to an opinion, unless it’s in line with us.  People at the bottom also don’t have any right to an opinion because we’re working for them so they should be grateful and shut the hell up.  Those goddamned peasants.

So now that you know how it works, go ahead and use that knowledge to advance the SJW banner!


Double standards are great, if they lean our way.  Otherwise they’re immoral and wrong.

Ignore data you don’t like.  Because it’s just a tool of the patriarchy.

Amplify data you like regardless of any other factor, because that’s the truth.


Every lesson has an exercise.  Right now you’re just a private in this army.  But if you do all exercises, you might reach the rank of Dworkin, Valenti or even FullMcIntosh.

Exercise one

Go on any forum, find someone you disagree with and tell them to check their privilege.  If they ask what you mean, call them a misogynist or a racist.  If they insist, tell them it’s not your job to educate them, then log out and never return.

Question Time

Paul asks: I’m a rookie SJW, but I really want to learn.  How can we make sure women are safer?

Paul just made a rookie mistake.  Never ask how women can BE safer, ask how women can FEEL safer.  Which brings me to the subject of my next lesson: Arbitrating Feelings.  

So like and subscribe, because that’s what powers, the Social Justice Army.


I can’t figure out why this isn’t getting more views.  It’s absolutely brilliant!


David Pakman’s #GamerGate interviews are the best.

He does love to veer off-topic for one or two questions to destabilize his guests, but I don’t find it an invalid approach.  One of the more telling part was when Arthur Chu revealed the view of the antiGG’s side.  Basically there is only one valid view of this whole thing, and anyone with a different opinion shouldn’t be allowed to have a platform to speak.  Because harassment and soggy knees.  What’d you guys think?


I like Noel Plum because he’s really moderate and does a great job at remaining objective and staying away from hyperbolics.  So he wins best best video of the day despite another great video by thunderf00t taking Colbert to task.


Justicar on language used to hijack a conversation.


Colbert and #gamergate

I stopped watching Colbert after he claimed it was a battle of the sexes. Nobody questions women’s rights to express their opinion. The debate is: If these women are full of shit, does anyone have the right to call them up on it. Or does a lack of a penis grants immunity from criticism?